tugas summary Karya Tulis Ilmiah

A.        Specification’s book
1. Title                        : language interference on English :[n] articulation of Indonesian             student
            2. Author                     : Susiati, Malikatul Laila, And, Qanitah Maskuroh
            3. Year of issue           : 2010
            4. Publisher                 : FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
            5. Place published       : Surakarta
            6. Number of page      : 134
            7. Number of chapter  : 2
            8. Book site                 :
            9. Specification chapter
a)      Number and Title        : chapter 2, language interference on English :[n] articulation of Indonesian student
b)      Number of Page          : 9 pages
c)      Page Number              : 20-29

The first this chapter the writer discuss about the similar and differences  articulation between Arabic language and English language and the influence tahsin method in  Arabic language on the student articulation speech in English
The second  the researcher find some activities in mua’alimat student which called tahfidhul Qur’an (memorizing the verses in the holy Qur’an)in this study  writer analyzes whether the student mu’allimat who are accustomed to pronounce in “tahsin” law are influenced to use  such sound change when they say regressive assimilation (n) in English. The case of assimilation is much discussion in the field of phonology especially phonetics
And the finally concluded that the students of mu’allimat program belonging to kholaqoh tahsinul Qur’an don’t always pronounce English regressive assimilation [n] correctly, and the student of Mu’allimat program not belonging to kholaqoh tahsinul Qur’an don’t always pronounce English regressive assimilation [n] correctly

In this chapter present have a similarity between Arabic language and English language in consonant, vowels, and diphthong and then based on this research we can teach make good articulation student in English using method to read holy Qur’an like tahsin
            Not All of school in Indonesia know about tahsin method and to analyze the result in this chapter is dificullty especially for the teacher who can’t understand about tahsin

Based on the data analysis in this chapter, this can be concluded that the alphabets of English and Arabic consist of consonants, vowels, and diphthongs  although there are no such terminologies as those sound classification in Arabic


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Avery, P. a. (1997). Teaching American English Pronounciation: Oxford handbooks for language teachers. New York: Oxford University Press.

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